
Learn the Most Common Industrial Accidents and What to Do if You Are Injured

Industrial accidents can result in a variety of injuries, which can cost both the business and the employee money and valuable time. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common industrial accidents. If you are injured in one of these accidents, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a legal consultation.

Trips, slips, and falls

One-third of all workplace injuries are caused by slips, trips, and falls, which are also the main reason for workers’ compensation claims. Head, back, and neck injuries, broken bones, wounds, sprains, and torn muscles are some of the ailments sustained. Slips include accidental spills, oily or damp surfaces, weather risks like icy steps or walkways, and loose rugs are some of the most common examples.

Catching or being struck by moving machinery

Although they happen more frequently in factories, on farms, and with construction equipment, accidents can happen to anyone using heavy gear. A safety hazard is equipment that is improperly guarded. The outcomes are frequently catastrophic when body parts become entangled in or impacted by exposed moving parts or flying objects from machinery without protective shields. Crushed hands and limbs, severed fingers, blindness, and even worse injuries caused by machinery are all listed on a long and terrifying list.

Accidents involving vehicles

Accidents are possible anywhere there are cars of any kind. These include being hit or ran over by a moving object, falling from a moving object, being struck by objects that fall from moving objects, being crushed by or caught under an overturned vehicle, and falling from moving objects.

Explosions and fires

Risk factors including damaged gas lines, improperly stored combustibles, or open flames are commonly to blame for explosions and fires in the workplace. Damage to the respiratory system, various degrees of burns, and even severe deformity are among the injuries that may follow. Explosions and flames have the greatest fatality rate of all likely workplace mishaps, accounting for 3% of all workplace injuries.

Overexertion and repetitive stress injuries

The most expensive work-related injuries are those to the musculoskeletal system. Back pain complaints alone cost employers more than $7 billion a year and result in more than 100 million missed workdays. These injuries result in productivity losses and cost the nation’s health care system millions each year in benefit payments.

The financial burden on the company is one thing, but the long-term impacts on employees—who account for close to 33% of occupational injuries—can be serious and even crippling. If you have suffered an injury as a result of an industrial accident, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a consultation.