Find Out How You Can Get Help from a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA
A worker can be exposed to a wide range of hazards and could be eligible for compensation for any injuries they incur as a result. A Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA may be able to assist you if you become sick due to your job. Read on to learn more and then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a consultation.
Your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA Might Suggest a Workers Compensation Claim
In most cases, workers can get compensation for on-the-job injuries through workers comp. The reason this is often the first choice is that there is no need to prove fault in a workers’ compensation case.
As your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA, we just have to prove that your injury occurred due to working. Working with an attorney takes the pressure off of you as we go over your claim to ensure you are gaining access to all the lost income, medical expenses, and other benefits you’re owed.
The Best Option Might Be a Personal Injury Claim with the Help of a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA
If you were hurt at work, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit instead of a workers’ compensation claim. This is called a third-party claim.
Your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA can go over the facts to determine if a personal injury claim is the right way to go. In the event you have a valid claim, you could receive compensation above what you would have received in workers’ compensation claim, such as for pain and suffering and future lost wages.
You Can Get Help from a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA Even if You Are Undocumented
At PLBH, we are here to help injured workers secure compensation even if they are not legally working in this country. If you’ve been injured while working, you could be eligible to receive medical and/or disability payments. It all depends on how severe your injury is. Your immigration status is unimportant if you need to file a personal injury claim because you were hurt at work.
Now is the Right Time to Call for a Legal Case Review
Of course you have questions – these are complicated cases. Fortunately, PLBH can address almost any query you may have given its more than 50 years of experience with personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Call (800) 435-7542 and inquire for a free case evaluation with a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Brea CA.