For top-quality representation, turn to PLBH as your wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA.
Losing your job can be stressful under the best of circumstances. But the situation will be particularly frustrating if you feel that the firing was unfair or illegal.
Fortunately, you can fight back against an illegal firing with help from a wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA. Perona, Langer, Beck and Harrison is here to help you with every step of the legal process required to hold your former employer accountable for their actions.
Now You May Wonder…
…What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?
Employers can fire employees for poor performance or for no reason at all. What they cannot do is fire an employee for an illegal reason. The two main types of illegal reasons for termination are:
- Discrimination: Employment decisions cannot be made purely on the basis of the color of your skin, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion, or any other protected characteristic. Wrongful termination actions can also be brought against employers whose seemingly neutral policies end up causing the severance of a disproportionate number of individuals in a protected group.
- Retaliation: You have the right to engage in certain legally protected activities like jury duty, voting, military service, taking family or medical leave, and whistleblowing. If an employer uses any of these activities as grounds for termination, they are acting illegally.
The best way to determine if your situation merits legal action is to discuss your case with an experienced wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA like PLBH.
How a Wrongful Termination Attorney in Irvine CA Can Help
As soon as you retain us as your wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA, we will immediately begin working on your behalf. The first step is to have you collect documentation regarding your termination and any discriminatory or illegal practices in your workplace. We can file a formal complaint against your employer aimed at securing:
- Reinstatement in your position at your prior salary and benefit level
- Compensation for lost wages and benefits
- Reimbursement of your legal fees
- A monetary award designed to punish the company for their illegal actions
Since litigation is time-consuming and costly, we try to resolve our clients’ legal matters in arbitration or mediation whenever possible. But we will also stand behind you during litigation if this is what it takes to secure a fair and favorable outcome to your case.
Why Choose PLBH
PLBH makes an excellent choice of wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA because we sincerely care about your rights and your future. We are well known as a respected and effective employment law attorney with over 50 years of experience in and out of court. With ample resources at our disposal, we are more than equal to the challenge of securing fair outcomes to even the most complicated wrongful termination cases.
You Can Afford Quality Representation
Worried about finding room in your post-employment budget for a wrongful termination attorney in Irvine CA? Don’t be. You can discuss your case for free during an initial consultation, and receive top-quality representation at no out of pocket cost if you qualify for our contingency fee representation. Take the first step today by calling us at (800) 435-7542.