Discrimination Attorney in Rowland Heights CA

Stand Against Injustice with a Renowned Discrimination Attorney in Rowland Heights CA

The Declaration of Independence, crafted over 200 years ago by our founding fathers, embedded equality as a central pillar of our nation. Despite this noble intention, the reality of that era was that a limited group of men—and no women—actually experienced equal treatment. Over the course of history, through many strenuous civil rights struggles, improvements have been made, and presently, American workers enjoy substantial protections against discrimination in the workplace based on race, nationality, sex, age, disability, or religion.

However, the fragmented enactment of various civil rights laws has led to a bewildering mishmash of complex regulations and norms relating to workplace discrimination in today’s world. This puzzling situation is further compounded by California’s own set of wider-ranging anti-discrimination laws that cover more employers and include additional protected features.

Thankfully, the responsibility to understand all aspects of the law doesn’t fall on your shoulders in order to maintain your right to equal treatment at work. Instead, an accomplished discrimination attorney in Rowland Heights CA can assist in defending your rights. Don’t hesitate to contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free initial legal consultation.

Seek Assistance from a Discrimination Attorney in Rowland Heights CA Experienced in Various Discrimination Cases

We’ll give you advice on whether it’s more suitable to address your complaint under the jurisdiction of federal law or California law, offering representation and guidance during each phase. The kinds of cases we can assist you with include:

  • Sex and Gender Discrimination
  • Race Discrimination
  • Sexual Orientation, Identity, or Expression Discrimination
  • Age Discrimination
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Reverse Discrimination
  • Ethnic Discrimination
  • Religious Discrimination

Assessing the Validity of Your Discrimination Complaint: A Guide

In the event that you feel you’ve suffered from discrimination at your workplace, question: Does this law cover my employer? Anti-discrimination laws in California apply to all firms with at least five employees. Evaluate whether your employer differentiates you due to your age (if over 40), race, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected feature as per California law.

In asserting a discrimination claim, it’s crucial to establish that you have experienced differing treatment owing to your association with a protected group. For instance, if a woman’s lower pay is solely because of her gender, while her male peers are earning more, this is a clear case of discrimination. Conversely, if her salary is less because she holds the least senior position on the team, her gender becomes an irrelevant factor and the pay difference isn’t discriminatory.

Discriminatory practices often revolve around:

  • Hiring and firing
  • Promotion and demotion
  • Allocating raises and benefits
  • Assigning work and projects
  • Negotiating leaves of absence
  • Other aspects of the terms and conditions of employment

You need to understand that discrimination can arise even when an employer is not overtly acting on bias. If policies that appear neutral disproportionately impact a certain protected group, this could constitute the basis for a discrimination claim. A discrimination attorney in Rowland Heights CA can help you navigate this scenario.

Question a Discrimination Attorney in Rowland Heights CA: What’s the Potential Outcome of a Discrimination Action?

If you’ve suffered from discrimination in your job, the course of legal action can proffer relief in two key ways. Initially, if you’ve encountered an adverse employment incident like unwarranted termination, salary cut, or being ignored for a pay hike, the court can demand your employer to reinstate your employment, restore your wage, or you could be bestowed other monetary damages.

However, quite a few individuals who’ve faced discrimination might not desire to return to an employment setting where their value and respect are overlooked. If this describes your feelings, bringing a lawsuit against your employer is still a worthwhile endeavor as you can still receive financial restitution. You can be compensated for lost income and emotional anguish, and if your employer’s actions were exceptionally egregious, you could also be awarded punitive damages.

Don’t delay, call PLBH at (800) 435-7542 now to arrange a consultation with a seasoned discrimination attorney in Rowland Heights CA.