Find Out How You Can Get Help from a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA
As a worker, you know that you are subjected to risks every day – and you might be eligible for compensation if you are injured. You might be qualified for assistance from a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA if you were the unfortunate victim of an injury due to your job. Keep reading to find out more and then feel free to call PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a consultation.
A Workers Compensation Claim Might Be the First Recommendation from Your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA
In the majority of cases, a worker will be compensated for any injuries experienced while working thanks to the workers compensation insurance provided by their company. This is sometimes the easiest option because you do not have to prove that anyone was at fault for the Injury.
As your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA, we just have to prove that your injury occurred due to working. We are standing by to help you with your workers’ compensation claim to ensure everything is done correctly and you get the benefits you deserve.
What About a Personal Injury Claim? Ask Your Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA
It is often the case that a person who has grounds for a workers’ compensation claim could also have grounds for a personal injury claim. This is otherwise known as a third-party claim
You need a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA to evaluate the specifics of your case to determine if there is a third-party claim. Filing a third-party (aka personal injury claim) allows you to sue for damages you don’t receive with workers’ compensation, such as pain and suffering and 100% of your lost wages.
Yes, a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA is Able to Help Undocumented Workers
PLBH can work with you to secure compensation for your injuries regardless of whether or not you are working in this country legally. If you’ve been injured while working, you could be eligible to receive medical and/or disability payments. It all depends on how severe your injury is. Your immigration status is unimportant if you need to submit a claim because you were hurt at work.
Call Now to Request a Free Legal Consultation
It is normal and understandable that you would have questions about your case. The best way to get the answers you want is to talk to an attorney at PLBH and make use of our 40+ years of experience. Do you have further questions or are you ready for a free case evaluation? Contact a Stress-related Injuries Attorney in Woodland Hills CA by calling PLBH at (800) 435-7542.