
How Many Days in a Row Can You Work in California without Earning Overtime Pay?

In California, if you work seven days in a row, you may be eligible for overtime compensation. Is it possible, however, for your employer to make you work this schedule? In many circumstances, your employer will not be able to force you to work seven days in a row.

There are several exceptions to this regulation, as well as some loopholes, that you should be aware of before filing a complaint about an excessive work schedule. Continue reading to learn more about this topic and then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 if you require a free legal consultation from an experienced employment lawyer in California.

Work Schedules in California: General Guidelines

When you start a new job or your current employer makes a request, it’s critical to know your rights as an employee. You might wonder how many days in a row you can work in California. Every worker, in general, should take days off. Employers in California are generally prohibited from expecting you to work more than six days out of seven. On the surface, this rule appears to be rather simple.

The regulation, however, does not necessarily exclude your employer from requiring you to work seven days in a row. Please continue reading for more information.

California’s Rest Day Laws Don’t Always Apply to Consecutive Workdays

According to the text of the legislation, you cannot be forced to labor “more than six days in seven.” Employees who work occupations that demand longer work weeks can be compelled to work seven or more days in a row as long as one out of every seven days in the month is a rest day, according to the legislation.

This implies that all of your rest days might fall at the same time during the month without causing a violation.

Rest Day Regulations in California Do Not Apply to All Employees

Your right to rest days may be affected by the nature of your employment and your specific employee position. The law prohibiting your employer from requiring you to work more than six days out of seven does not apply to common carriers in the railroad sector or staff needed in specific emergency situations.

Employees who work no more than 30 hours per week and no more than six hours per day are exempt from this restriction. It’s not always clear whether California’s rest day requirements have any gaps or exceptions that apply to you. But don’t be concerned.

An expert employment lawyer has the knowledge and abilities to properly argue for your paid time off. An attorney can also assist you in deciding whether or not to submit a complaint.

What to Do If a Rest Day Law Violation Occurs

Perhaps you know the answer to the question, “How many consecutive days can you work in California?” Perhaps you’ve discovered that your boss broke the law by denying you rest days. So, what’s next?

You can submit a complaint against your employer with the California Department of Industrial Relations. In the end, a labor law infringement by your employer may entitle you to damages or expose your company to criminal consequences.

Contacting an attorney as soon as possible will help you avoid mistreatment.

Standing up to your boss is seldom simple, and it sometimes need the assistance of a professional. You can contact PLBH now at (800) 435-7542 to request a consultation.