
Follow These Tips to Maximize Your Chances of Winning an SSDI Hearing

You are entitled to submit an appeal if the Social Security Administration (SSA) rejects your initial application for Social Security disability payments, sometimes known as SSDI. You can request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge if your original request is rejected (ALJ).

Nervousness is a common reaction to the SSDI hearing process, especially for individuals who are inexperienced with it. However, there are a number of tactics you may use to improve the possibility of success. Continue reading for advice from a skilled California social security disability attorney. Then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation.

Employ an attorney for disability benefits

You have the option to represent yourself while requesting SSDI compensation. But if you go to a hearing, you’ll probably get a better result if you hire a lawyer with experience in disability benefits. In addition to assisting you with hearing preparation, your attorney can also gather proof, create a brief, and cross-examine witnesses.

Maintain communication with your California social security disability attorney after hiring them and throughout the procedure. It’s crucial to keep them informed of your health and any changes since you initially filed.

Compile your evidence

The evidence you provided in your first application as well as any additional material you have provided will both be considered by the ALJ during an SSDI hearing. This is essential to demonstrating both your impairment and how it limits you from working.

You should begin assembling evidence while you are awaiting your hearing, such as medical documents from your treating physician and other sources. You may also inquire about how your handicap has impacted your capacity to work from friends, family members, and coworkers.


Remember that this case is about you, your condition, and your capacity to work even though you have ideally retained a California social security disability attorney to assist you in preparing for your hearing. You should be familiarizing yourself with your case in advance of the hearing by researching it. This also applies to your medical history.

You can get acquainted with the records that will be provided to the ALJ by reviewing your file. You can accurately testify if you do this. It could also let you know if there are any records or other types of proof that you need for your case but are missing from your file.

Be up front about your disability and how it affects your life

It could be tempting to minimize the severity of your handicap at the hearing. It’s crucial not to be stoic during this moment. Speaking about how your health affects you is not a sign of weakness; the ALJ needs to know this information in order to judge your case fairly.

Your medical history shouldn’t be fabricated or overstated. Be honest, but be as thorough as possible. Instead, discuss how your condition has made it difficult for you to accomplish the things you used to, like work.

Behave respectfully

Finally, it’s critical that you behave with respect for both the ALJ and the legal system. This might mean a variety of things. You should arrive for the hearing on time or early. Be tidy, well-groomed, and adequately attired.

Even though you can become impatient throughout the hearing, always respond politely to any inquiries. Remain composed and courteous, keeping in mind that the ALJ will decide your case.

Even though receiving SSDI benefits might be difficult, using these suggestions will improve your prospects if your case proceeds to a hearing. PLBH can assist if you’re thinking about applying for SSDI compensation. Call (800) 435-7542 or send an email to to schedule a consultation with a California social security disability attorney at our company.