
Are There Limits to How You Can Discuss Politics in the Workplace? An Employment Law Attorney Weighs In

It’s no secret that the American political landscape is tremendously polarizing. Americans are more eager to voice their thoughts in a variety of places regarding the present state of events in Washington, DC, as well as state and local politics.

While having an interest in politics and governance is excellent for our democracy, these discussions are not always polite. This conversation taking place in the office might be unpleasant and tense. This brings up a crucial query: Can employers forbid political conversation at work? Keep reading to get the answers and remember that you can contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 if you believe you have a valid claim against your employer and require a consultation with an employment law attorney.

The truth about the First Amendment

The majority of individuals think their ability to express oneself is guaranteed by the constitution. And it is accurate that the First Amendment of the US Constitution safeguards freedom of expression, but only against interference from the government. Your employer is perfectly within its rights to restrict or exclude political talk at work, unless you work for the government.

Companies might limit political discourse in the workplace for a number of reasons

There are several sensible commercial justifications for why companies could decide to forbid political conversations at work. Political talks, as was already said, can get quite emotional and personal. By forbidding them, you may reduce workplace disturbances and boost productivity.

Furthermore, limiting political conversations at work helps avoid instances where there could be conflicts of interest or harm to the organization. An employee arguing with another employee over the new tariffs in front of a client, for instance, might have a detrimental effect on the company’s profitability if it uses steel as part of its manufacturing operations. Many times, telling workers not to talk politics at work just makes sense.

California laws prevent employers from requiring or controlling workers’ political actions

However, it is against the law for employers to direct or control their workers’ political actions in several places, including California. In other words, businesses cannot direct staff to canvass homes for a certain candidate or to participate in a march or demonstration in favor of a cause. A certain point of view cannot also be discriminated against by employers.

For instance, if an employer has conflicting political beliefs, he cannot say that employees who agree with him are allowed to talk politics but that those who don’t agree are not allowed to talk politics.

Employers can limit what an employee can wear

Employment lawyers assert that companies also have the authority to impose dress standards. As a result, businesses may prohibit wearing political t-shirts, buttons, and other memorabilia. Employers cannot allow some buttons or t-shirts to be worn while forbidding others; this restriction must apply uniformly. Items related to union membership are a major exception to this rule; the National Labor Relations Board has determined that companies cannot forbid employees from wearing this kind of clothing.

Have you experienced discrimination at work due to your political opinions?

Of course, just because employers have the authority to enact these regulations does not imply that they will do so properly or at all times. Workers may experience discrimination due to their political opinions, especially if those opinions were connected to their membership in a certain protected class.

An expert employment lawyer can assist you if you suspect that you have been the victim of workplace discrimination or harassment because of your political beliefs or your membership in a protected group. Call PLBH at (800) 435-7542 or send an email to to set up a private consultation and find out how we can assist.