
If you’re considering or currently receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, understanding how part-time work can impact your eligibility and benefits is crucial. An experienced social security disability attorney can guide you through these nuances. For personalized advice, feel free to reach out to PLBH at (800) 435-7542.

Working Part-Time While Applying for SSDI

The process of applying for SSDI is often complex, requiring applicants to prove their inability to perform substantial work. While theoretically, it’s possible to work part-time and still qualify for SSDI, this can be tricky in practice.

The perception of your ability to work by those adjudicating your claim is a critical factor. Even part-time work may lead them to conclude that you could manage more hours or a less demanding job, potentially jeopardizing your claim. Consulting with a social security disability attorney can help you understand whether part-time work might affect your SSDI application.

Part-Time Work for SSDI Beneficiaries

For those already receiving SSDI, supplementing income with part-time work is often a consideration. The Social Security Administration (SSA) even encourages this through initiatives like the Ticket to Work program. Beneficiaries can maintain their benefits as long as they earn less than the SSA’s defined monthly earnings cap. However, given the potential for future changes in SSA policies, it’s vital to consult with a disability benefits attorney to ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations.

Understanding the Monthly Earnings Cap

Both SSDI applicants and recipients should be aware of the SSA’s limits on income for substantial gainful activity (SGA). Regularly checking the SSA’s website for the current earnings cap is recommended. For applicants, part-time work might be a viable option to avoid penalty while awaiting approval, but it’s important to navigate this carefully.

Seeking Legal Advice

The best course of action for those considering how part-time work may influence their SSDI application or benefits is to consult a Social Security disability benefits attorney. PLBH is ready to provide expert assistance. Our team, with extensive experience in social security disability benefits, can guide you through the intricacies of applications and ongoing benefits management. Contact us at (800) 435-7542 for detailed advice tailored to your situation.

Get Help Navigating This Sometimes-Complicated System

Navigating the SSDI system while engaging in part-time work requires careful consideration and expert guidance. Whether you’re in the midst of applying for benefits or already receiving them, understanding the impact of your employment status is crucial. At PLBH, we’re committed to helping you make informed decisions about your SSDI benefits while ensuring your part-time work aligns with SSA regulations.