
What Is Prop 16?

Prop 16 would reverse California’s ban on affirmative action As in most election years, Californians will have an opportunity to vote on a number of ballot initiatives this year. These ballot initiatives are an important way for voters to have their voices heard. Yet...

New Regulations Limit How California Employers Can Advertise for Jobs

The rules address scheduling, age, and other factors California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) recently set forth new regulations (rules) that govern certain aspects of employment in California. These rules address issues such as when independent...

How Can I File a Complaint with the California Labor Board?

You can file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner’s Office for certain violations of state labor law California has some of the best laws in the country when it comes to protecting employees. However, if you don’t know your rights or how to enforce them, these laws...

Separating Myth from Fact in California Employment Law

How much do you know about employment law? Many of us got our first jobs when we were teenagers. In most cases, no one ever sat us down and talked about our rights. Because employment law is so complex, it can be hard for the average worker to know if what their...

Five Common Wage and Hour Violations in California

Wage and hour laws are designed to protect employees from exploitation When you have a job, you — rightfully — expect to be paid for the hours that you work. Federal and state wage and hour laws exist to make sure that employers pay their workers fairly....

Are You Entitled to Severance Under California Law?

California law does not mandate severance pay. If you have been fired or laid off from your position, you may be wondering if you are entitled to any type of compensation under California law. Generally, your employer must pay you for all of the hours that you have...

Rideshare Companies Threaten to Leave California Over New Law

The question of whether gig workers should be employees or independent contractors is on the ballot in November In 2019, California enacted Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), which codified a test set forth by the California Supreme Court. This test is used to determine whether a...