
Close up of Social Security Disability Claim Form

Are you noticing a decrease in your Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits? If so, reach out to an expert Social Security Disability lawyer at PLBH via (800) 435-7542. Keep reading to learn more about the topic and how an attorney might be able to help you.

The Impact of Decreased SSD Payments

As an SSD beneficiary, a decline in your payments can significantly influence your financial stability. It’s a widely understood reality that your ability to expand your income or compensate for these reduced benefits might be minimal. There are instances where a legitimate reason underlies the decrease in your SSD benefits. However, occasionally it might be a result of an oversight or happen without your awareness.

If you need assistance in resolving a decrease in your SSD benefits, don’t hesitate to reach out to a skilled Social Security Disability attorney in Orange County at PLBH via (800) 435-7542.

Understanding the Reduction in Social Security Disability Payments

Social Security Disability payments might lessen due to a multitude of reasons, including:

  • Change in Marital Status: Your marital status significantly influences your SSD payments. Any recent changes such as marriage, divorce, or death of a spouse can cause your payments to fluctuate.
  • Fluctuation in Total Family Income: A shift in your family’s overall income can directly impact your SSD benefits. Any substantial increase in your family income may reduce your benefit payments.
  • Alterations in Employment Income: If there’s a change in your employment income – due to a salary hike, promotion, or transition from part-time to full-time employment, your SSD payments can decrease. The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers these changes as an improvement in your financial condition, which can lead to a reduction in benefits.
  • Retirement Benefits: If you start to receive retirement benefits payments, this can also influence your SSD payments. The SSA can adjust your SSD payments based on these new income sources.

However, if you observe a decrease in your SSD payments without any of the above changes, it’s paramount to seek legal advice immediately. A seasoned legal representative can assist you in understanding the situation and help you take necessary steps.

How a Social Security Disability Attorney Can Aid Your Cause

Negotiating a government agency’s decisions can be an uphill task for the average individual. It requires the support of an individual with in-depth understanding and experience in dealing with the Social Security system.

At PLBH, we’ve successfully assisted numerous clients in tackling issues related to Social Security payments and benefits. We not only have a comprehensive understanding of how these benefits are distributed and the process to claim them, but we are also committed to prioritizing your interests. Our dedication to your welfare ensures that you receive the support you require, and we’ll guide you every step of the way, from understanding the root cause of your reduced benefits to navigating the complexities of the SSD system.

Social Security Disability benefits are essential for many individuals to maintain their standard of living. Any decrease in these benefits can be alarming. However, with the right legal support and guidance, you can navigate this challenging situation effectively. Contact PLBH now for a legal consultation by calling (800) 435-7542.