
Anyone can feel anxious and frustrated after being wrongfully terminated. If you were fired from a job you liked or had been at for a while, it may leave you feeling betrayed and hopeless. Knowing your rights and what to do next is crucial if you find yourself in this scenario. Then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation with an employment law attorney.

Not Understanding the Law

Not understanding the law is the first and most important error. You must be aware of California’s stringent wrongful termination rules in order to ensure that your rights are safeguarded. California is an at-will state, which allows employers to fire workers at any time and for any cause, though there are some limitations. You might have a case for wrongful termination if you were fired for an illegal purpose, such as discrimination, retaliation, or making a whistleblower complaint.

Waiting Too Long Before Taking Action

Another problem is delaying action for too long. You only have a certain amount of time to submit a claim since California has a statute of limitations for wrongful termination cases. Waiting too long could prevent you from pursuing justice. There are certain exceptions to the general rule that the statute of limitations for wrongful termination claims in California is two years from the date of termination, so it’s crucial to contact legal counsel as soon as you can.

Not Documenting Everything

In every legal situation, including wrongful termination instances, documentation is essential. You must retain thorough records of all communications with your employer before being fired. Emails, texts, performance evaluations, and any other pertinent papers are included in this. These records can support your claim and offer proof of any illegal conduct your employer may have committed.

Not Seeking Legal Counsel

Choosing not to consult with a lawyer is one of the worst blunders you can make. You can better understand your rights, have your case assessed, and get legal advice from an expert employment attorney. They can also assist you in reaching a settlement or, if necessary, act as your legal advocate. It can be daunting to try to manage a wrongful termination lawsuit on your own, and you risk overlooking crucial information that could influence the result of your case.

Using Social Media To Share Your Case

Finally, it’s crucial to refrain from posting information about your case on social media. Although it may be tempting, venting your annoyances online can hurt your case. It’s better to keep your matter secret and to only discuss it with your lawyer; otherwise, whatever you post on social media could be used against you in court.

If you have been wrongfully terminated, contact PLBH now at (800) 435-7542 to request a free legal consultation.