
In an ideal world, the workplace is a diverse environment where respect and tolerance flourish, and everyone’s beliefs are honored. Unfortunately, religious discrimination remains a reality for many, creating barriers to equality and inclusion.

At PLBH, a Southern California employment law firm, we are committed to helping employees navigate the complexities of religious discrimination in the workplace and to ensuring their rights are protected. This blog outlines essential information on religious discrimination and offers guidance on how to safeguard your rights. Contact us at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation.

Understanding Religious Discrimination

Religious discrimination in the workplace occurs when an employee is treated unfavorably because of their religious beliefs, practices, or affiliation. It can affect various aspects of employment, including:

Recruitment and Hiring

  • Refusing to hire applicants due to their religious attire or practices

Workplace Policies and Practices

  • Implementing dress codes or grooming policies that unfairly impact individuals of certain religions


  • Allowing a work environment where derogatory comments, jokes, or actions about an employee’s religion are tolerated


  • Failing to provide reasonable accommodations for religious practices, such as prayer breaks or observing religious holidays

Recognizing these forms of discrimination is the first step towards addressing and challenging them.

Legal Protections Against Religious Discrimination

Federal Laws

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion and requires employers to accommodate employees’ sincerely held religious practices, provided it does not impose an undue hardship on the business.

California State Laws

  • The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) provides broader protections against religious discrimination, including requiring employers to accommodate religious dress and grooming practices.

Actions to Take if You Experience Religious Discrimination

Document the Incident(s)

  • Keep detailed records of discriminatory acts, including dates, times, witnesses, and any relevant communications.

Seek Internal Resolution

  • Report the discrimination to your supervisor, HR department, or designated complaint officer according to your employer’s policies.

Request Accommodations

  • If seeking accommodations, present your request in writing, detailing the needed adjustments to observe your religious practices.

Consult with an Employment Law Attorney

  • For advice tailored to your specific situation and guidance on the next steps, consult with PLBH. Our expertise in employment law ensures that you receive informed and effective representation.

File a Complaint

  • Consider filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) as necessary.

How PLBH Can Assist You

Expert Legal Advice

  • Our attorneys provide expert legal advice on navigating religious discrimination cases, ensuring you understand your rights and options.

Representation in Legal Proceedings

  • PLBH represents clients in negotiations, mediations, and court proceedings, advocating for your right to a discrimination-free workplace.

Pursuing Reasonable Accommodations

  • We assist in negotiating reasonable accommodations for religious practices, ensuring that your beliefs are respected and accommodated in the workplace.

Challenging Unfair Policies

  • Our team challenges workplace policies that result in religious discrimination, pushing for policy changes that promote inclusion and respect for all beliefs.

Religious discrimination not only undermines individual dignity but also diminishes the overall integrity of the workplace. If you face religious discrimination at work, remember that you have the right to practice your religion freely and to request accommodations for your religious practices.

At PLBH, we are dedicated to protecting those rights and ensuring that you can work in an environment free from discrimination. For comprehensive legal support in addressing religious discrimination, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542. Together, we can advocate for a more inclusive and respectful workplace.