
In the labor-intensive environments that characterize many workplaces across Southern California, back and shoulder injuries are unfortunately common. These injuries can significantly impact an employee’s ability to work and perform daily activities, leading to a need for comprehensive medical treatment and, potentially, long-term recovery periods.

At PLBH, we understand the physical and financial toll these injuries can take on workers and are dedicated to helping them navigate the workers’ compensation system to secure the benefits they deserve. Contact us at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Understanding Back and Shoulder Injuries

Back and shoulder injuries in the workplace can result from a variety of tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Heavy Lifting: The most common cause, often resulting from lifting heavy objects without proper support or technique.
  • Repetitive Motion: Performing the same actions repeatedly can strain muscles and tendons over time.
  • Poor Ergonomics: Inadequate workspace design can lead to unnatural postures and strain.
  • Accidents and Falls: Slip, trip, and fall incidents can cause immediate and severe injuries.

Common Symptoms

  • Persistent pain or discomfort
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Difficulty performing routine tasks
  • Numbness or tingling sensations

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

California’s workers’ compensation system is designed to provide support to employees who suffer work-related injuries. For back and shoulder injuries, workers may be entitled to:

  • Medical Care: Covers all necessary treatments, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation services.
  • Temporary Disability Benefits: Compensates for lost wages if you’re unable to work while recovering.
  • Permanent Disability Benefits: Offered when the injury results in lasting impairment.
  • Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits: Vouchers for retraining or skill enhancement if you cannot return to your previous job.

Steps to File a Claim

  1. Report the Injury: Inform your employer about the injury as soon as possible to start the claim process.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Obtain a medical evaluation to document the extent and cause of your injuries.
  3. File a Workers’ Compensation Claim: Complete the necessary paperwork provided by your employer or their insurance carrier.

Navigating Claim Challenges

While workers’ compensation is designed to be straightforward, injured workers may encounter challenges, including:

  • Disputed Claims: Insurance companies may question the severity of the injury or its relation to work activities.
  • Delayed Benefits: Slow processing times can impede access to needed medical care and financial support.
  • Inadequate Compensation: Initial settlement offers may not fully cover the long-term impacts of the injury.

How PLBH Can Help

Our team at PLBH is well-versed in the intricacies of workers’ compensation law and is committed to advocating for injured workers. We can assist you by:

  • Evaluating Your Claim: Offering expert advice on the strength of your claim and potential benefits.
  • Navigating the Claims Process: Guiding you through each step to ensure your claim is filed correctly and promptly.
  • Challenging Disputed Claims: Representing you in disputes to secure the compensation you are rightfully owed.
  • Maximizing Your Benefits: Ensuring you receive the full range of benefits, including appropriate medical treatment and compensation for any lasting disabilities.

Securing Your Future After an Injury

Suffering a back or shoulder injury can be a life-altering experience, but you don’t have to face the aftermath alone. PLBH is here to support you through the recovery process, advocating for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation and care you need to heal.

If you’ve sustained a back or shoulder injury at work, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free consultation. Let us take on the burden of navigating the workers’ compensation system, so you can focus on your recovery.