
Businessmen are suffering from work-related pain from office syndrome

If you’ve sustained an injury at your workplace and are in the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim, the need for reimbursement is likely urgent. This is particularly true if your injury is severe, resulting in an extended absence from work. Such situations can place considerable financial strain on you and your loved ones. Your injury might be preventing you from earning the income you need to cover your mortgage, car loan, student loans, and other regular expenses.

Moreover, work-related injuries can also generate significant expenses for workers and their families, including steep medical costs for surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and other necessary treatments. Keep reading to learn what your legal options are through workers’ compensation. Then contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Dealing with a Denial of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

The denial of your workers’ compensation claim can exacerbate your financial challenges, creating a more significant gap between you and the financial resources you need to cope with your injury-related expenses and losses. If your workers’ compensation claim has been denied, examining the potential causes could be beneficial.

Upon receiving notice of your claim’s denial, it’s crucial to file an appeal within the specified timeframe mentioned in your official denial letter (usually 30 days). Before proceeding, it may be worthwhile to arrange a meeting with your employer to discuss your workers’ compensation claim and understand the reasons behind your denial. Occasionally, denials of workers’ comp may stem from administrative errors, misunderstandings regarding the initial application, or other manageable issues.

When doing so, it may be advantageous to present an updated medical examination record, further documentation about your injuries’ status, ongoing costs incurred due to these injuries, and any other evidence supporting the work-related nature of your injury.

However, if your workers’ comp denial wasn’t a simple error, and your employer endorses the decision or doesn’t provide any alternative solutions, legal action might be necessary to secure the compensation you deserve.

Consult with a Seasoned Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

At PLBH, we acknowledge the critical nature of time, particularly when it comes to securing the funds required to address the costs of treating an injury. When you engage our team of committed workers’ compensation attorneys, our mission is to ensure you receive fair treatment, enabling you to recover, be reimbursed for your injury’s costs, and eventually return to work.

It’s also vital to enlist legal representation as soon as possible because, in severe injury cases, workers’ comp may not offer sufficient funds to cover your medical expenses. If your injuries lead to a substantial work absence, significantly limit your job performance, or result in medical expenses exceeding a few hundred dollars, a personal injury lawsuit might be your only recourse to obtain the necessary compensation. Regardless of your circumstances, we are here to support you and guide you towards the best course of action.

If you are grappling with a workers’ compensation claim denial or facing resistance from your employer, we are ready to assist. Call (800) 435-7542 to speak with one of our skilled workers’ comp attorneys today. You can also message us to schedule your initial consultation.