
With a significant proportion of professionals working extensively on computers, eye strain has emerged as a common occupational health concern. In severe cases, persistent eye strain may lead to irreversible eye damage, necessitating costly treatments such as surgeries and special lenses. This condition can considerably impair an individual’s job performance, especially if the job entails intensive computer usage.

In such scenarios, considering a workers’ compensation claim to offset costs associated with eye strain treatments may be a viable route. However, understanding how your employer and their insurance provider will assess your claim is crucial. Keep reading to get the details. If you have suffered this injury and believe you might have a case, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Determining Eligibility for Workers’ Compensation Due to Repetitive Eye Strain

When filing a workers’ compensation claim due to eye strain, there are several factors to bear in mind:

  • Legitimacy of the Eye Strain Claim: It’s imperative to validate your eye strain claim and demonstrate how it has adversely impacted your vision.
  • Link to Job Responsibilities or Environment: Establish a clear correlation between the deterioration in your vision and the nature or obligations of your job, or aspects of your work environment.
  • Impact on Job Performance: Provide proof that your eye strain or related injuries hamper your ability to fulfill your job’s demands or necessitate time off for recovery.
  • Medical Examination: You’ll need to substantiate the authenticity of your injuries through a comprehensive examination from an approved healthcare provider.

The Need for Expert Legal Advice for Workers’ Compensation Claims

Occupational eye injuries can be significantly debilitating, warranting immediate action, particularly if your job has contributed to severe eye strain. Consulting with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney can be a beneficial first step. Such professionals can assist in evaluating your claim and enhancing your prospects of securing the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Remember, dealing with eye strain is not just about managing your health; it’s about ensuring your ability to continue performing your job effectively. Knowing your rights and understanding the workers’ compensation process can be instrumental in addressing the impacts of work-related eye strain. Contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 to request a consultation with an employment law attorney.