
Insights into California’s DLSE: Protecting Worker Rights

In California, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) plays a pivotal role in enforcing state labor laws and ensuring economic justice. This agency, commonly known as the California Labor Commissioner’s Office, handles a range of claims related to wages,...

Know Your Rights: When Employers Deny Reasonable Accommodations

Facing a denial of a reasonable accommodation in the workplace can be disheartening and challenging. However, it’s crucial to know that there are steps you can take to address this issue. Employers are legally required to make reasonable accommodations for...

Unraveling the Details of Standard Severance Packages

When parting ways with an employer in California, you might be presented with a severance package. Understanding the typical terms in such an agreement is crucial. Here are eleven standard elements you should be aware of in a severance package. Contact PLBH at (800)...

California’s FEHA: Championing Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace

California, a trendsetter in various spheres, extends its influence to the realm of legal standards, particularly through the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Established in 1959, five years ahead of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, FEHA stands...