
The Most Common Types of Work-Related Injuries

Workers’ compensation covers medical bills and lost wages for most work-related injuries. The work-related injuries not covered by workers’ compensation include incidents that involve reckless horseplay, self-inflicted wounds, and drugs/and or alcohol. According to...

Most Common Types of Workers’ Compensation Claims

Workplace injuries happen in every industry, from a slip and fall at a restaurant to a serious burn suffered at a manufacturing plant. According to the most recent data compiled by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, private sector employers reported nearly...

Benefits Available to Injured Workers

Workers’ compensation and personal injury cases share a few similarities, such as providing financial assistance for paying medical bills. However, for the most part, workers’ comp does not work the same way as personal injury cases do because the financial assistance...

How and When to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in California

According to the California Workers’ Compensation Act, employees working in the Golden State have the right to seek financial benefits if they suffer an illness or an injury while on the job. If you are dealing with a work-related illness or injury, you need to know...

Seeking Medical Treatment for a Work-Related Injury

You suffered an injury at work and you have followed the correct procedure for reporting the injury to your employer. Now, you have to get the injuries checked out by a physician, preferably the medical professional who monitors your health. To maximize your workers’...

6 Federal Laws That Protect American Workers

Once upon a time in America, workers got the raw end of the deal when it came to labor laws. Employers had their way with safety, benefits, and promotion issues. As the push for employee rights gained momentum, the United States Congress began reforming labor laws by...

Differences Between Workers’ Comp and Disability Insurance

One type of safety net program covers injuries and illnesses at work, while the second type of safety net program covers injuries and illnesses that happen at work or outside of work. Welcome to the differences between workers’ comp and disability insurance. An...

What Employees Need to Know About the CFRA

You might have heard about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which defines the legal obligations of employers and the legal rights of employees when it comes to family leave issues. California has enacted a similar family leave law called the California Family...

What You Need to Know About the Family and Medical Leave Act

Having to deal with health issues is one of life’s most stressful events. Not far behind is having to deal with a major change for the worse in the health of a close family member. Although most employers offer workers some kind of sick leave policy, the same cannot...

COVID-19 and New California Workplace Safety Rules

With California workers trickling back to the workplace, employers have the legal responsibility to create the safest possible work environment to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. On November 19, 2020, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board...