
In today’s workplace, harassment remains a pervasive issue, negatively impacting employees’ mental and physical well-being and undermining the integrity of business environments. At PLBH, we believe in empowering victims of workplace harassment by providing them with the knowledge and support necessary to stand up and speak out against such injustices. Contact us now at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation.

Understanding Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can manifest in various forms, including sexual, religious, and racial harassment. It’s crucial to recognize that harassment is not limited to overt acts of discrimination or unwanted advances. It can also occur through derogatory comments, jokes, or any behavior that creates a hostile work environment based on age, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, and other protected characteristics.

Sexual harassment, for example, can affect anyone regardless of their gender or the gender of the harasser. It includes unwanted sexual advances, coercion for sexual favors, or inappropriate comments and touching. Religious harassment involves offensive remarks about an individual’s religious beliefs, practices, or appearance, while racial harassment targets individuals based on their race or skin color.

Steps to Take Against Workplace Harassment

  1. Report the Harassment: It’s paramount to report any form of harassment to your supervisor or HR department. Documenting your complaint through email, fax, or certified letters ensures there’s a record of your report. In many cases, an employer’s liability for harassment hinges on whether the victim reported the incident.
  2. Keep Detailed Records: Document every instance of harassment, noting what was said or done, the individuals involved, and when you reported the incident to management. This documentation is crucial for building a strong case should legal action become necessary.
  3. Consult an Attorney: At PLBH, we offer confidential consultations to discuss your case, informing you of your legal rights and potential avenues for compensation. Our attorneys have a strong track record of advocating for victims of all types of workplace harassment. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay legal fees unless we win your case.

Legal Support and Advocacy

Assuming you have strong grounds for legal action, PLBH will stand by you every step of the way. We fight aggressively for the most beneficial outcome, aiming to not only secure justice for you but also to foster a workplace environment where respect and dignity prevail.

Harassment in the workplace can be deeply traumatizing, leading to feelings of anger and shame. It’s normal to want justice while wishing to forget the abuse ever happened. That’s why it’s critical to have a supportive and understanding legal team by your side. PLBH provides a strictly confidential environment for you to discuss your case, ensuring you are informed about your rights and options. Call us now at (800) 435-7542 for help.