
It is possible to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits even after termination. Nonetheless, it could be challenging to convince your ex-employer’s insurance company to compensate you fairly. Let’s delve into the details. If you have questions, contact PLBH at phone] to request a consultation.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim After Termination

Claiming workers’ compensation benefits post-termination often requires more effort than cases pursued by current employees. If you intend to apply for workers’ compensation benefits post-termination, follow these steps:

  1. Consult with a workers’ compensation attorney promptly: You might face difficulties convincing your previous employer’s insurance provider about the legitimacy of your claim. It is not an impossible task, but having legal support can significantly improve your chances.
  2. Detail your injury accurately: Given the circumstances, your claim is likely to be scrutinized thoroughly. Hence, constructing a robust case becomes imperative. Discuss the accident or injury in detail with your attorney and identify any witnesses to obtain additional support, if possible.
  3. Gather evidence of your injury-related costs: Compile all receipts, bills, and any other proof of costs related to your injury. Having concrete evidence about your injury and its impact on your life and finances will strengthen your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Challenges in Post-Termination Workers’ Comp Claim Approval

Even with a strong case, insurance providers may hesitate to approve workers’ comp benefits. They may perceive your injury claim as a retaliatory move against your ex-employer, or they may assume you’re seeking financial relief due to your loss of income. If you encounter such difficulties, it is crucial to consult with a workers’ compensation claims lawyer promptly.

What if You Suspect Unfair Treatment?

Unfortunately, some employers may dismiss injured workers to avoid providing them compensation. This illegal act compounds the impact of a work-related injury, leaving workers and their families without the resources or income necessary for treatment and job retraining, among other things. If you suspect you were dismissed because of your injury, it’s imperative to consult with a workers’ comp attorney immediately by dialing (800) 435-7542.