
Healthcare professionals undeniably have some of the most challenging roles in the workforce. Their dedication to health and well-being is commendable, but it often comes with a myriad of risks they face daily. The medical industry can be both emotionally and physically taxing, leading to various occupational hazards.

Let’s delve into some of the most prevalent injuries experienced by those in healthcare. If you have suffered one of these workplace injuries, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation.

The Strain of Constant Effort

Per insights from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), it is noted that those working in healthcare are prone to musculoskeletal disorders at a rate almost seven-fold compared to other occupations. Such disorders often manifest due to the recurrence of specific gestures or repetitive tasks that form a routine part of their work.

Challenges with Patient Handling

Roles that involve regularly managing and moving patients, such as orderlies, naturally come with significant physical demands. The simple acts of transferring patients between beds or adjusting their positions mean healthcare workers often bear the weight of another individual. This consistent lifting and moving can lead to immense back strain, with severe cases leading to conditions like herniated discs.

Hazards of Sharp Instruments

In the busy environment of a hospital or clinic, incidents involving needles and other sharp medical tools are not uncommon. Such accidental punctures pose significant risks as they can expose healthcare workers to bloodborne diseases and various infections.

Facing Unpredictable Threats

An often-overlooked risk in the medical industry is the potential for violence. Both healthcare and social-service professionals find themselves vulnerable to possible assaults during their work. The reasons are diverse, ranging from agitated patients and their families to the presence of individuals receiving treatment under criminal directives. Furthermore, the availability of drugs makes medical facilities potential targets for thefts and related violent incidents.

Accidents Waiting to Happen: Slips on Wet Surfaces

Medical facilities are zones where various liquids, from water to other fluids, are frequently in use. This raises the chances of spillages, turning seemingly innocuous corridors into potential accident zones. An unsuspecting step on such a wet patch can result in severe injuries due to falls.

Seeking Assistance After an Injury

If you find yourself as a healthcare professional who’s suffered from an occupational injury, it’s imperative to seek legal counsel. PLBH offers seasoned legal professionals adept at handling cases related to workers’ compensation. Especially if you’ve faced challenges in getting your due compensation or if your application has been rejected, our team can step in to navigate the complexities for you.

Reach out to us at (800) 435-7542 and let’s discuss how we can support you in these challenging times. Remember, while your primary role is to care for others, it’s essential that you also receive the care and support you deserve.