
Workers compensation law books injured on the job and seeking help

Dealing with a workplace injury can be stressful and complicated, especially when it comes to understanding your rights and navigating workers’ compensation insurance. At PLBH, we are here to help you understand the process and assess whether you need legal assistance for your claim. Contact us at (800) 435-7542 if you require a legal consultation.

When You Might Not Need Legal Representation

In some cases, filing a claim for workers’ compensation following a minor workplace injury is straightforward and can be handled without the need for a lawyer. You might find yourself in this situation if all the following conditions apply:

  • Your injury at work was minor and didn’t require extensive medical treatment.
  • Your injury did not result in significant loss of work or wages.
  • There’s no dispute that your injury occurred while performing your work duties.
  • You have no pre-existing health conditions that might complicate your claim.

Even in such seemingly straightforward situations, it can be beneficial to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer from PLBH. Our team is always ready to offer a complimentary consultation, guide you through the claim filing process, alert you to potential issues, and provide a fair assessment of whether you can manage the claim independently.

When Legal Help Becomes Necessary

Certain circumstances necessitate the expertise of a workers’ compensation lawyer. Complications often arise when employers deny that the injury occurred at work, the compensation settlement doesn’t cover your lost income or medical expenses, or if you experience retaliation from your employer for initiating a workers’ compensation claim.

If you encounter these issues, you might need to take legal action against your employer or their insurance company. In these instances, the assistance of a skilled lawyer from PLBH becomes invaluable.

How We Can Help with Disputed Claims

A lawyer can be essential when you’re disputing a denied claim. Our team at PLBH ensures that all necessary paperwork is filed correctly and within required deadlines. This level of attention and care can significantly increase your chances of a successful appeal.

If you’ve recently experienced a workplace injury and are uncertain about navigating the workers’ compensation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (800) 435-7542. At PLBH, we’re committed to helping you understand your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve and are standing by for a legal consultation at your convenience.