
Everyone deserves a vacation now and then after working so hard all the time. This also applies to people who have been hurt at work and are currently recuperating at home. Can someone receiving workers’ compensation take a vacation?

Yes, you can relax and enjoy yourself and receiving benefits for a workplace injury should not be affected. While you are on vacation, there are a few things you should make sure you are doing. If you have not received a fair workers’ compensation settlement or benefit, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

A vacation might include a variety of activities that could deliver a large amount of excitement and adrenaline, from hiking and skydiving to jet skiing and surfing. But if your ailment prevents you from engaging in a certain activity, your doctor may have specifically advised against it.

In addition to the possibility of reinjuring yourself and lengthening your recovery time, you also run the danger of losing your workers’ compensation payments. The best thing to do when on vacation is unwind and take in the scenery.

Don’t Miss Appointments

You must go to the doctor, surgeon, physical therapist, or any other healthcare professional as scheduled in order to be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. You run the risk of missing one of these appointments if you take a lengthy trip.

Unfortunately, skipping or delaying an appointment could be interpreted by your employer’s insurance provider as refusing to cooperate with medical treatment. You shouldn’t be concerned if you won’t need to cancel or reschedule any healthcare appointments.

Assume You Are Being Watched

Whether you are at home or on vacation, it is not uncommon for insurers to hire private detectives to keep an eye on you. Their objective is to uncover any information that could undermine your workers’ compensation claim or demonstrate that your injuries are not as severe as you initially claimed. You may forfeit your benefits if an investigator catches you disobeying a doctor’s orders.

Furthermore, by publishing and disseminating images or videos from your vacation on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you could independently offer damaging proof. While you’re on vacation, remember that someone might be watching, so refrain from posting any images or videos that could undermine your case.

Contact PLBH to arrange a free consultation if you would like additional information about getting benefits while on vacation. Let us assist you in creating a schedule that won’t endanger your workers’ compensation claim. Call us now at (800) 435-7542.