
Injuries incurred at the workplace not only bring physical distress but also introduce victims to the often bewildering maze of the California workers’ compensation system. The process, known for its intricate and less-than-friendly structure towards claimants, often becomes a hotbed for various hindrances. This might stretch the settlement time, adversely impacting the injured due to mounting medical expenses and the loss of earnings during recovery. It’s not uncommon for aggrieved workers to mistakenly assume that their attorneys are slackening the pace, holding them responsible for the ensuing delays.

However, just like the claimants, attorneys too are sailing in the same tumultuous seas, battling similar storms with very little control over certain systemic factors that contribute to the postponement of a workers’ comp settlement. Read on to learn some of the reasons these cases are sometimes delayed. If your case is delayed, it might help to speak with an attorney. You can reach PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Unmasking the Culprits Behind Delayed Workers’ Comp Settlements

Why does it take an eternity for some cases to close? Let’s delve into five potential roadblocks that can extend your claims process:

  1. The Insurance Company’s Dilly-Dallying: At its core, insurance is a business aiming to keep its coffers full. It’s imperative to grasp that insurance companies might not always be your allies in distress. They could deliberately dawdle on a worker’s claim, meticulously looking for grounds to refute payment.
  2. Medical Reporting Lag: Sometimes the delay can emanate from your physician’s desk, where the timely dispatch of requisite medical reports to the insurance company gets stalled. A physician’s inherent professional rapport with insurance entities might sometimes subtly align them with the insurers’ interests. Furthermore, if the doctor opines that the Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) hasn’t been attained post-treatment, the claim remains open until a clear stabilization of injuries is observed, thereby prolonging the settlement process.
  3. Fraudulent Activities’ Fallout: The workers’ compensation system, while being a lifeline for many, unfortunately harbors loopholes that some individuals and medical providers exploit to wrongfully benefit. This has prompted insurance adjusters to meticulously scrutinize claims to weed out any iota of fraud, consequently delaying or denying claims that appear even remotely suspicious.
  4. Legal Bureaucracy: The courtroom isn’t devoid of delays either. The scarcity of resources to adequately address the enormous volume of appeals against wrongful denials adds to the delay.
  5. Insurance Company’s Understaffing Issue: Sometimes the delay could be rooted in the insurance company’s personnel shortage. It’s not rare for claims to be allotted to overwhelmed teams lacking enough personnel, thus leaving your claim in a long queue awaiting review.

Streamlining Your Workers’ Comp Journey

While certain delay catalysts remain beyond one’s control, choosing adept legal custodians for your claim can significantly mitigate the waiting period. Contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.