
Can California Workers Refuse to Do Dangerous Work? Get the Facts

The California Occupational Safety and Health Act (commonly known as Cal/OSHA) protects workers in California against dangerous working conditions. Many employees, however, are unaware of their rights under Cal/OSHA or how to defend themselves. If you have been let go...

Discover How Witness Statements Can Be Used in Employment Law Cases

The facts may appear clear to a person involved in a wrongful termination, harassment, or retaliation case. After all, if an employer or boss has been treating you unjustly or unlawfully at work for a long time, it may feel like something that everyone should be able...

OSHA Was Created to Keep Workers Safer – But Does It Work?

Serious job injuries and fatalities were all too prevalent in the not-too-distant past. Employers frequently cut shortcuts or failed to safeguard their employees, resulting in serious injuries or even death as a result of hazardous working conditions. This was...